Thursday, August 2, 2012

Talk About Originality, Talk About Hellogoodbye

Gush 2012 Blogger Competition

Talk About Originality, Talk About Hellogoodbye
            I really excited with GUSH 2012 concert. This great Gushcloud’s event really catch my attention with different music concert concept. GUSH 2012 concert is an indie rock concert on Aug 25, which featuring The Cab, Mayday Parade, and Hellogoodbye at the Fort Mason Center as a star. I really appreciate and support this event because can show that indie rock is not lose from big rock, such as Maroon 5, Linkin Park, etc.
            From 3 star in GUSH 2012 concert, Hellogoodbye is my favorite artist. They can make something different and their sense of music is really real. This indie rock band from California is have original taste. Not only know how to sing, but also know how to send song’s message. It’s really great and awesome!
            Group band with team member Forrest Kline, Auggie Rampolla, Michael Garzon,  and Andrew Richards is really solid and have great teamwork to compile music into their style. They play the music as they tell to us about one great story. They make us fill into their dream world and they hypnotize our ear to listen them more and more. I can fill every Hellogoodbye’s member personality from how they sing and how they play the music.
Get Ready For GUSH 2012!
            I hope can see Hellogoodbye someday real with my eyes, not only see them in YouTube or another social media platform. Two thumbs up for GUSH 2012 committee for present indie rock artist, which can encourage youth around the world to show their talent and be the next future generation with full of hope. Success for GUSH 2012!


  1. Hai kak..boleh nanya gak?u/ gusher indonesia bisa dapat uang juga gak sih dari gushcloud. tadi sempat blogging. kalau di malaysia & australia bisa dapat uang.
    katanya harus melakukan tugas2.gimana caranya ya kak?

    1. Menurut informasi terakhir yang Dreamland terima, Gushcloud Indonesia masih dipersiapkan sistemnya agar serupa dengan Gushcloud di Malaysia dan Australia untuk menghasilkan uang. Tugas-tugas yang harus dilakukan, antara lain mempromosikan merk sponsor, menyebarkan ke sosial media, dan meningkatkan point reputasi di Gushcloud. Semoga bisa membantu ya Radyta. Jika ada pertanyaan lain, jangan sungkan meninggalkan komentar di blog ini. :D


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